
government buildings by country معنى

  • مبان حكومية حسب البلد
  • government    n. حكومة, سلطة حكم ...
  • government buildings    مبان حكومية
  • buildings    أبني; ابني; المبان ...
  • by    adv. من طريق, في س ...
  • country    adj. ريفي, أهلي, ف ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. government budgets معنى
  2. government buildings معنى
  3. government buildings by century of completion معنى
  4. government buildings by city معنى
  5. government buildings by continent معنى
  6. government buildings by heritage register معنى
  7. government buildings by year of completion معنى
  8. government buildings completed in 1753 معنى
  9. government buildings completed in 1788 معنى
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